Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Punk Rock... er... musical?

    Green Day, an American rock trio, will re-release its album "American Idiot". On this edition we'll be able to hear new arrangements of the songs recorded with the cast of Broadway's show based on band's music.

    The album will be titled "American Idiot Cast Album" and will hit the shelves on May 10th. Most of the material will consist of songs from the original "American Idiot", but there will be a couple ones from their last longplay, "21st Century Breakdown", which appeared in musical as well. 

    The album "21st Century Breakdown" was released on May 2009. "American Idiot" had its first on September 2009. Recordings of this "semi-new" material were held in Electric Lady Studios in New York.

Photo: Mazur/WireImage
    So are you curious yet about how a (punk-)rock band sounds in a musical setting of Broadway? I have to admit - my first thought was "its some kind of blasphemy - rock and musicals don't mix". Well, I found some videos that haven't exactly made me change my mind. I still think it looks out of place, but I cannot judge the entire show based just on a couple of minutes. Anyway, if you are curious, here's a clip for you:

    But the news is not about the musical - it's about new versions of songs. And that is a completely different thing. There is another video with a "21 Guns". I must say, that I am not a big fan of Green Day, but I was completely captivated by this performance and woman singing the intro part:

    If other songs managed to keep the same charm I am starting to think that wasn't such a bad idea after all.


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